La Petite Maison, An Architectural Seduction
9'54'' | 4:3 | Mini DV | 2010
© Tânia Moreira David e Charlotte Skene Catling
Fotograma de | Still from La Petite Maison
As an architect, sometimes it's nice to be noted on the essence of your profession. Ultimately it is all about the perception of space by light, sound and time. Just like in the movie.
Arno de Vries, in Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam
O vídeo começa com um edifício que ganha vida. O olhar abre-se em direcção à paisagem. Movendo-se na envolvente, outra presença insinua-se; vislumbra-se, mas nunca se revela completamente. Com o desenrolar do filme, a presença humana - a mulher - e a arquitectura começam a fundir-se. A situação culmina quando a mulher submerge na água e entra num sonho... a sedução arquitectónica.
The video begins with a building that gains life. The gaze opens towards the landscape. Moving around the site, another presence is hinted at; glimpsed but never completely revealed. As the film unfolds, the human presence - the woman - and the architecture begin to merge. This culminates as the woman submerges herself in water and enters a dream... the architectural seduction.
Ficha Técnica | Credits
Vídeo de | Video by Tânia Moreira David & Charlotte Skene Catling Interpretação | Starring Tiger Chadwick Direcção de fotografia | Cinematography Tânia Moreira David Música | Music William Kingswood Montagem | Editing Tânia Moreira David, Charlotte Skene Catling Assistente de realização | Assistant director Juri Nishi, Pedro P. Neves Arquitectura | Architecture Skene Catling de La Pena Architects Produção | Production Skene Catling de La Pena Architects País de Produção | Country of origin UK.
Prémios | Awards
Best Video - 4th InShadow - International Festival of Video, Performance and Technologies, Lisbon, 2012.
Instalações - Exibições | Installations - Screenings
2016 Roca London Gallery, London.
2013 Dansehallerne, Copenhagen, Denmark.
2012 Urban Center, Program: City Visions, Turin, Italy.
2011 Architecture Visions Maxxi Museum, Rome, Italy.
2010 Expanded Architecture, International architectural film night, Sydney, Australia.
2010 Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture & Design, Moscow, Russia.
2010 Fondazione Architetti Treviso, Italy.
2009 Arhitext Festival Cluj – Napoca, Romania.
Festivais | Festivals
2013 Arquitecturas Film Festival, Lisbon, Portugal.
2012 4th InShadow - International Festival of Video, Performance and Technologies, Lisbon, Portugal.
2011 Chicago Architecture and Design Film Festival, USA.
2010 New York Architecture and Design Film Festival, Program: Poetry in Motion, USA.
2009 Rotterdam Architecture and Design Film Festival, Netherlands.
2009 Asolo International Art Film Festival, Treviso, Italy.
2009 VISIONS, BEYOND MEDIA Festival for Architecture & Media, Florence, Italy.
2015 Integra | Part of Architecture Player.
2013 Integra | Part of image ARCHIVE - View points on architecture